VDM 265

The VDM 265 vacuum decontamination module is used for the effective and gentle chemical and biological decontamination of sensitive equipment that cannot be decontaminated with liquid decontamination agents and therefore require a special process.

The VDM 265 is able to decontaminate sensitive and electronic equipment chemically and biologically using vacuum decontamination technology that is globally unique. The chemical decontamination process enables optimum interaction between temperature and vacuum cycles, so that use of conventional chemicals can be avoided completely. The vacuum decontamination module is designed for heavy-duty use all over the world in the most adverse conditions. It has already been integrated in the TEP 90, DSSM and LDS systems and tested by several institutes, such as the Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Schutztechnologien – ABC-Schutz (WIS) (German Research Institute for Protective Technologies – NBC Protection), the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and the National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection (the SUJCHBO).

Features and benefits

Reliable operation
  • High-quality materials and workmanship
Easy operation
  • Fully automated operation
  • Can be operated wearing full protective gear
Simple logistics
  • Compact dimensions
Simple maintenance
  • Components are easily accessible
Satisfies the highest standards
  • Also designed for operation in extreme weather conditions
High safety
  • Separation of contaminated and decontaminated material to prevent the spread of contamination
  • Integrated CBRN exhaust filter
Innovative technology
  • Unique vacuum decontamination technology


Kärcher Futuretech GmbH
Alfred-Schefenacker-Str. 1
71409 Schwaikheim, Germany
P.O. Box 1180
71405 Schwaikheim, Germany


E-Mail: service@futuretech.de

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